Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a metal fucking afternoon

so today i spent the afternoon on a cliff side tearing trees out of the ground and hurling them downhill. it was definitely pretty sweet. the REASON for the tearing/ hurling was because i had volunteered for a buck thorn pull as part of a class requirement i do outdoorsy things outside the classroom. so i decided to hop up to the hill we have here on campus and lend a hand (and a hatchet. sweet!) on buck thorn day trying to weed out an invasive species that's literally choking the life out of local forests. and let me say that "weed out" is a REALLY relative term here because some of these guys had been growing for upwards of 10 years and some were just little weedy fuckers, some were sapling size, some were big ol' shrubs. but the ones i messed around with here were full on 15-20' weed trees! and they're roots were totes all tangled in with the massive fucking rocks on the cliff side. while we were out there, some film students (i guess?) asked if they could take some footage of us while we worked and, being a total attention whore, i said yeah. they had good timing because moments after they set up, i'd hacked the last root of this massive tree-weed i'd been working on for like 10 minutes and proceeded to use every muscle in my body to rend it from the dark, moist earth it had commandeered for interminable years. hearing the gritty tear of its roots and the chorus of pained vegetable capillaries as they were exhumed from their rocky homes, i tossed the once magnificent specimen down the mountain side and proclaimed in a mighty voice of throaty victory. "yeah! fuck you, buck thorn!" and lay my trusty hatchet to rest whilst i mangled the young branches of a sapling nearby.
like i said, it was pretty epic and cool.
oh hey! i'm going to madison for halloween! sweetness. i'm excited for my costume. another super hero shirt do-it-yourselfer for me, surprise surprise. this year i'm going as clark kent. see what i plan to do is make a superman symbol shirt (no stores seem to sell just the old red and blues with the big S anymore!!) and wear it under a white oxford shirt and a blazer with some nondescript pants and maybe a tie. the great thing about this costume is that
1. its functional. pockets. warm. available materials.
B. its cheap! i already own the regular clothes. i bought the blue shirt for like 4 bucks and stealing the paints from wal-mart was easy pickings.
3. its totally Rob! i mean, plenty of people go as super man, but clark kent is an under-tapped resource! plus, i think if i do my hair the right way and keep my glasses on (another benefit) i look kinda like him... minus the godly physique and the super powers.
i look forward to spreading drunkery and mischief about the ol' madtown in a few weekends! nick and friends, hold on to your socks, cuz i plan to rock them the fuck off!

on a totally unrelated note, i have two tests tomorrow! and i'm totes using this blog as a procrastination outlet rather than study old quizzes. but whatever. don't think i've got much more to update you guys on. sorry i never seem to have the energy to expound on my sweet dream library, but if you dear readers really wanna hear 'em by all means comment impatiently and i'll write a few up POST HASTE!


  1. HEY! i want some more dreams from the fucking dream library

    also, i am SO PSYCHED for halloween!!!!!!! holy shit, it's gonna be awesome.

  2. well if my public (of one) demands it!
